Posts Tagged 'missions'

for the widows in paradise

I should begin seriously praying about where to go overseas next summer.




(and how I shall break the news to the parentals…)

pre-quantum musings

I sit at my desk with nine prayer letters in front of me… places in need of gospel, of aid, of Jesus. from brothers i’ve known since before we knew the Lord to sisters i’ve only met this semester,… despite the reluctance for some to believe in the effectiveness of STMs, I still want to believe, believe that the Lord can use them for His good, for their good,…

From Benin to Israel to Gabon to SE Asia to the inner city to Brazil to even our own coasts and nation,… the kingdom is everywhere.

On the other hand, I’m falling in love with this song — go to Used to Be. There’s also the remixx which is growing on me. It plays on repeat as I cram for quantum mechanics tonight.